Acupunctuur en Gezondheidscentrum
Li Yuan Tang(中医)Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde in Amersfoort
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Ruimtesonde 7, 3824 MZ
The use of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) theory and techniques, to enhance wellbeing and lifestyle in order to promote and maintain a reduction of the signs of aging.
Underlying health issues may directly affect how a person looks.We use a holistic approach to achieve the desired results.The benefits of improvements in sleep being a specific example.
Acupuncture creates a powerful effect in the body. Associations with each meridian are explained with an outline of different acupuncture points cosmetic applications.
This treatment is designed to improve the functions of organs and balance their relationship with each other in order to improve circulation of qi, blood and fluids absorption of nutrients and excretions of waste thereby positively influencing general health.
A lifting effect is created within the body with focus to the faceThe use of special needles and techniques accentuates specific results and reduces bruising risks and discomfort for the patient.
Circulation of qi,blood and fluids is enhanced by cosmetic technique i.e gua sha, tiger moxa and massage.
It is safe (no scarring of discoloration)
Factors that accelerate skin aging are as follows:
Health factors: a variety of chronic diseases
Mental factors: emotions and overstress
Nutritional factors: malnutrition or lack of nutrition
Living habits: smoking, overworking or overeating
Environmental factors: long time exposure to sun,light,wind,rain
Endocrine factors:endocrine disorders
Improper skin care:hot water, alkaline soap, bruising
Improves muscle tone and dermal contraction
Increases collagen production and has an effect on its dispersal
Promotes skin rejuvenation via increased facial circulation
Helps to eliminate and reduce bags under the eyes
Decreases the tendency toward sagging
Helps to eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism and thus eliminating excess fluids
Helps to eliminate fine lines of the face and has a diminishing effect on larger wrinkles
Improves hormonal balance and hormone-based skin conditions
Balances sebaceous secretions to treat dry skin and oily skin/acne
Improves facial colour by the increase of peripheral circulation
Reduces or eliminates double chins
Tightens the pores
Brightens the eyes
Helps to lift drooping eyelids
Promotes overall health and wellbeing
Reduces stress evident in the face
Brings out a person’s innate beauty and radiance
Slows the aging processfrom within
Delays the hair turning grey andthe loss of hair associated with aging
Gua sha technique refers of the use of the fingers or a small board with smooth edges to massage,
manipulate, and stimulate certain points along the channels of a particular area in order to promote qi and blood flow, and remove toxins from the body.We use the gua sha method called ‘scrape”.
Gua sha is an effective, commonly used modality in TCM facial rejuvenation that not only promotes qi anc blood flow but also helps the skin better absorb nutrients from facial cream.
Gua sha is commonly used for TCM facial reiuvenation concerns such as wrinkles sagging. dull complexion, discoloration, dark/age spots, dark circles, and puffy eyes.
Tiger moxa sticks
Moxa is an very common treatment used with acupuncture to enhance its effectiveness.
Basically, moxa is used to warm and unblock the channels, move qi and promote blood flow.
Ruimtesonde 7
3824 MZ Amersfoort
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